Airway management and tracheostomy care
We manage Complex packages such as Airway management and tracheostomy care at home.
our specialist nurses will help support you and your package of care at home. This will include regular staff training and reviews and detailed support plans which you, your family, and the professional care team will be involved in.
Our carers will be trained by the clinical nurse trainer to ensure their competency to meet all of the clinical needs of tracheostomy hygiene, ensuring the correct fit of tube ties, and emergency management fitting care seamlessly into the routine, and leaving the customer free to focus on the things that matter such as family, friends, and their favourite activities
Recovery Services
Post-operative care is usually a short-term requirement while recovering from an illness, accident or hospital stay.
Fabulous Homecare Ltd can provide the care that is needed during this time and help you to get back on your feet.
We can work alongside healthcare professionals to help, encourage, prompt and assist with rehabilitation exercises or provide practical help with personal care or housekeeping.
Reablement Services
Our Reablement Services assist Service Users to regain skills they may have lost through poor health, disability, having spent a considerable time in a hospital or residential home, frequent admission to hospitals, etc. With the help of our qualified and dedicated staff, we hope to make your independent living a reality
Companion/Sitting Services
Do you need someone to keep you company now and again or on a regular basis?
Are you concerned about a relative or loved one who gets lonely?
Do you live some distance away from a relative or loved one and would like someone to visit them?
Are you a main carer who would like someone to step in occasionally so you can have a break?​
Housekeeping Services
Sometimes just a bit of help with cooking and cleaning, shopping or preparing meals can make all the difference, mainly if you’ve been ill or feeling under the weather. As with all our services, we are totally flexible and will fit in to suit your exact needs.
Housekeeping covers such things as:
Making or changing beds
Writing out shopping lists
Going shopping or accompanying on shopping trip
Paying Bills/Collecting Pensions
Assistance with laundry/ironing
Vacuum cleaning & other light domestic tasks
Washing dishes
Cleaning toilets and bathrooms
Dog walking /pet care
Respite Care
Respite Care is suitable for people in need of rehabilitation following a stay in the hospital or extra care following a period of illness. It also allows the sharing of care giving responsibility and getting support for the main care giver, be it a family member or friend. Seeking support and maintaining one’s own health is paramount and using respite care before becoming exhausted, isolated or overwhelmed is ideal. Just anticipating regular relief can become a lifesaver.
Hospital To Home
We provide 24 hours, 7 days a week hospital discharge service.
Offering these services can encourage people to come out of hospital sooner in the knowledge that they have personal and practical support available and can reduce the risk of repeat injury and re-admission.
We can support you or your loved one with excellent services .
Care at Home & Homecare Providers in Croydon Borough Fabulous homecare ltd
Personal Care
Fabulous Homecare takes pride in providing a high quality Personal Care support.
Fabulous home care is a dynamic team and is always willing to assist clients in their own homes to their best ability.
Our motivated team will maintain personal hygiene with Respect, Privacy and dignity.
Our well trained Team plays a vital role to support you and your loved ones by assisting with:
Bathing and showering
Bed baths
Oral hygiene
Getting In and Out of bed
Live in Carer
Fabulous Homecare ltd understands that people prefer to live in their own homes as opposed to a unfamiliar environment. This gives Service users more choice and control over their care hence we offer one-to-one highly personalised and flexible care.
Choice & Control
At Fabulous Healthcare we recognise the importance of giving you choice. By choosing our Live In Care service you remain in control of your care and support for longer. Your routines and preferences are maintained and you control the type and duration, of support to meet your needs.
We all have our own regular routines and by supporting you to remain in your home for as long as possible, our Live In Care service enables you to benefit from them. This is especially important for people living with physical disability, as routines are hugely important to health and well-being.
3.Peace Of Mind
Having an experienced and highly trained carer in your home will help prevent falls, and ensure a prompt response to medication, feeding, emergencies and accidents. Our service provides peace of mind with consistent and personalised care in your home.
4.Managed Carers
Our carers are fully supported and managed by our local team. We invest heavily in their training, career progression and support them to provide the highest levels of care to you.​
You will maintain relationships with family, friends and neighbours in a relaxed familiar environment for everyone. For you, it’s about keeping up with hobbies, interests, daily activities and local community groups.
6.Cost effective
Our Live In Care service can be the most cost effective option for you and your loved one. We provide a personalised service that is tailored to your needs, for a similar price to a one bed room in a care home.
7.How Does Live In Carer Work
A Fabulous Homecare ltd carer will live in your home, delivering a tailored plan of care and support, following input from you, your loved ones and other professionals involved in your care. We meet more than just your physical needs; we tailor a care plan by understanding your life and expectations. This allows control, choice and independence.
A Fabulous Homecare carer is available to support with domestic duties, personal care and to offer companionship to prevent loneliness and isolation. They recognize and respect your personal space.
let us help
Our Service also includes ;-
Transport to appointments
Accompanying to appointments or social engagements
Company for a walk or other outdoor activity
Helping with hobbies / interests
Reading books / newspapers out loud
Being there to talk and listen
To find out more about our services please contact us on our telephone 07575298602
or email us at enquiries@fabuloushomecare.co.uk